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Tips To Help You Get Whiter Teeth

The number one sign of health and beauty is an attractive smile and you can’t have a great smile without clean looking, sparkling white teeth. If you want to improve the look of your teeth and get rid of unsightly yellowing, stains, and discoloration, you should research all of the teeth whitening techniques that are available. This article contains a number of teeth whitening tips to help you get started.

Surprisingly, baking soda is almost as effective as most long term teeth whiteners and is much cheaper. Mix about two table spoons of soda to one table spoon of water to form a paste, then, brush your teeth with this paste. If you do not like the taste, substitute a mouthwash for the water.

When you are whitening your teeth, remember that there are limitations to what it can do. If you have had extensive dental treatments like caps, bridges or crowns, these will not be whitened by the treatment that you are using. You will have to have this work replaced to match your new whiter smile.

Sometimes, fruits can be excellent ways to whiten your teeth. The inner portion of an orange peel can be rubbed on teeth to whiten them. Even just mashing some strawberries until they are a paste, then leaving it on teeth for a few minutes, can give you a white smile. Rub the inside of an orange peel on your teeth as an alternative to the strawberry pulp.

Ask your dentist about the different teeth whitening options available to you. Some dentists may recommend a procedure that they provide in their office. Some may refer you to a certain product that you can find at your local pharmacy. Some may simply suggest that you brush your teeth more often.

As you age, teeth will naturally yellow so it is important to have preventative care and whitening done. Maintain proper dental visits and cleanings as well as your regular brushing habits. Minimize sodas, teas, coffees and avoid excesses of sticky foods. These things will prolong the natural white color of your teeth.

Mix baking soda and salt together for an at-home whitening method. This is a well known treatment for making teeth whiter. You can make a paste out of it by mixing them together with a little bit of water. Make sure you rinse your mouth out well afterwards.

Avoid using toothpaste and drinking water that has been treated with fluoride. Although the United States still allows it, many other countries have actually banned treating drinking water with fluoride due to the unknown potential hazards it can cause. Recent studies have shown that fluoride can actually discolor or stain your teeth.

Whitening pens are a convenient and mess-free alternative to traditional whitening products. You must use care when applying this product because it contains a gel that has bleach-like properties. Be careful when using this method and avoid overusing it.

As the famous saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This includes dentists. Apples are crisp and smooth when you bite into them and biting an apple actually cleans your teeth. Apples also contain properties that can kill most of the bacteria that sits on your teeth.

One important teeth whitening tip is to make sure that you both brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis. This is important for your overall oral health as well as making sure that you are removing anything that will stain or discolor your teeth such as plaque or coffee.

One very important teeth-whitening tip is to try to use natural methods whenever possible. This is important because not only will you save money by using these methods, but you will also prevent exposure to chemicals that could either harm you or cause unwanted damage to your teeth.

In order to get avoid teeth discoloration and keep your teeth white, do not take antibiotics if you do not have to. These medications contain products that cannot not only damage your teeth, but leave them discolored. Instead, unless you are seriously ill, try to use natural ways to get better.

You can make a tooth whitening paste using lemon juice and table salt. Just put it on your toothbrush and brush as usual. Having said this, if you notice sensitivity to this paste, you should cease the use of it.

If you want a whiter smile, eat strawberries. Rub them on your teeth and leave the residue there for approximately five minutes. Alternatively, you can smash up the strawberries to make a paste and coat your teeth with it. After you are finished, wash or brush your teeth, making sure to remove all the fruit.

Drink with a straw. Many beverages can stain your teeth. To keep this from happening, try drinking with a straw. The liquid will bypass your teeth for the most part. Your teeth are still in danger of becoming strained or discolored. Drinking through a straw just lessens the likelihood of that happening.

Another great teeth whitening tip is the use of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. This is a very useful and very effective agent for your teeth. Just take the two ingredients and mix them together and then apply the paste to pre-brushed teeth. The results are usually seen within the first week of using this. One thing to remember, though, that hydrogen peroxide is not good to swallow so be very careful when using this mixture.

As was stated in the beginning of this article, everyone wants to have healthy looking white teeth that are free of yellowing, stains and discolorations. There are a number of different ways to whiten your teeth, so it is important that you conduct research to determine the whitening treatment that is best for you. Applying the advice in this article is a great way to get started on your journey toward having the perfect smile.


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